Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series I covered the fundamentals of Cisco UCS PowerTool and how to make your first connection.  In Part 2 I expand on this and now show some of the basic commands you can use against UCSM when first learning to script with PowerTool.  With 4500+ commands, over 2300 just in the Cisco.UCSManager module alone it’s impossible to cover them all.  The intention here is not to show you them all but rather give you an idea of what’s out there and possible.

Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite – Part 1
Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite – Part 2
Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite – Part 3

In the below examples we will be working with the Cisco.UCSManager module.  We’re going to assume you’ve already made your connection to UCSM.  If you’re not sure how, checkout Part 1 of this series.

Now with our connection made one of the first commands we can try is Get-UCSChassis. This simply returns a list of all our UCS chassis’ in UCSM.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsChassis

AckProgressIndicator  : ack-not-in-progress
AdminState            : acknowledged
AssignedToDn          :
Association           : none
Availability          : available
ConfigState           : ok
ConnPath              : {A, B}
ConnStatus            : {A, B}
Discovery             : complete
DiscoveryStatus       : A,B
FabricEpDn            : fabric/server/chassis-6
Id                    : 6
LcTs                  : 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000
LicGP                 : 0
LicState              : license-ok
ManagingInst          : A
MfgTime               : not-applicable
Model                 : UCSC-C3X60-BASE

Above is a small extract of the output that comes back to us in list format.  This can be a little difficult to read if we have a few chassis’. We can clean this up a little by piping it to Format-Table and selecting our own columns.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsChassis | Format-Table RN, Id, Model, Availability, AdminState, Serial, ConfigState

Rn        Id Model           Availability AdminState   Serial ConfigState
--        -- -----           ------------ ----------   ------ -----------
chassis-3  3 UCSB-5108-AC2   unavailable  acknowledged CH29   ok
chassis-4  4 UCSC-C3X60-BASE available    acknowledged CH30   ok
chassis-5  5 N20-C6508       unavailable  acknowledged CH31   ok
chassis-6  6 UCSC-C3X60-BASE available    acknowledged CH32   ok

This now looks a little cleaner and provides us with information more relevant to what we might be after.

Next we can check what blades we have with Get-UCSBlade.  As with the previous command we can pipe it to Format-Table and select more meaningful columns.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsBlade | Format-Table DN, Model, NumofCPUs, NumofCores, TotalMemory

Dn                    Model            NumOfCpus NumOfCores TotalMemory
--                    -----            --------- ---------- -----------
sys/chassis-3/blade-1 UCSB-EX-M4-1             2         10       49152
sys/chassis-3/blade-3 UCSB-EX-M4-1             2         10       49152
sys/chassis-3/blade-7 UCSB-EX-M4-1             4         20       49152
sys/chassis-4/blade-1 UCSC-C3X60-SVRNB         2          8       49152
sys/chassis-4/blade-2 UCSC-C3X60-SVRNB         2          8       49152
sys/chassis-5/blade-4 UCSB-B200-M4             2          8       49152
sys/chassis-5/blade-5 UCSB-B420-M4             4         16       49152
sys/chassis-6/blade-1 UCSC-C3K-M4SRB           2          8       49152

If we have rack servers added into UCSM we can list them as well with Get-UcsRackUnit.  Or alternatively we can use Get-UcsServer to list both Blade and Rack servers in the one output display.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsServer | Format-Table AdminState, Model, operState, Serial, RN

AdminState Model            OperState    Serial Rn
---------- -----            ---------    ------ --
in-service UCSB-EX-M4-1     unassociated SRV72  blade-1
in-service UCSB-EX-M4-1     unassociated SRV73  blade-3
in-service UCSB-EX-M4-1     unassociated SRV75  blade-7
in-service UCSC-C3X60-SVRNB unassociated SRV76  blade-1
in-service UCSC-C3X60-SVRNB unassociated SRV77  blade-2
in-service UCSC-C220-M4S    unassociated RK32   rack-unit-1
in-service UCSC-C240-M4S    unassociated RK33   rack-unit-2
in-service UCSC-C220-M4S    unassociated RK34   rack-unit-3
in-service UCSC-C220-M4L    unassociated RK35   rack-unit-4
in-service UCSC-C220-M4L    unassociated RK36   rack-unit-5
in-service UCSC-C240-M4SX   unassociated RK37   rack-unit-6

Working with Orgs is very simple too with Get-UCSOrg.  In the below example I have just one root Org with is returned.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsOrg

Descr        :
Level        : root
Name         : root
PermAccess   : yes
Sacl         :
Ucs          : UCSPE-10-0-30-79
Dn           : org-root
Rn           : org-root
Status       :
XtraProperty : {}

Creating a new Org is just a matter of changing the ‘Get’ Verb to ‘Add’ using Add-UcsOrg

PowerTool C:\> Add-UcsOrg -Name Ukoticland

Descr        :
Level        : 1
Name         : Ukoticland
PermAccess   : no
Sacl         :
Ucs          : UCSPE-10-0-30-79
Dn           : org-root/org-Ukoticland
Rn           : org-Ukoticland
Status       : created
XtraProperty : {}

And you guessed it, we can remove an Org with the Remove Verb using Remove-UcsOrg

PowerTool C:\> Remove-UcsOrg -Org Ukoticland

Are you sure you want to remove UCSPE-10-0-30-79:org-root/org-Ukoticland?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y

Descr        :
Level        : 1
Name         : Ukoticland
PermAccess   : yes
Sacl         :
Ucs          : UCSPE-10-0-30-79
Dn           : org-root/org-Ukoticland
Rn           : org-Ukoticland
Status       : deleted
XtraProperty : {}

Working with Service Profiles is extremely easy as well.  Get-UcsServiceProfile will display all service profiles. In the below example I have two.

PowerTool C:\> Get-UcsServiceProfile | Format-Table Name


Creating an initial Service Profile is as simple as Add-UcsServiceProfile

PowerTool C:\> Add-UcsServiceProfile -Name MyFirstSP

And removing a Service Profile as simple as Remove-UcsServiceProfile

PowerTool C:\> Remove-UcsServiceProfile -ServiceProfile MyFirstSP
Are you sure you want to remove UCSPE-10-0-30-79:org-root/ls-MyFirstSP?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

Dn                       : org-root/ls-MyFirstSP
Rn                       : ls-MyFirstSP
Status                   : deleted
XtraProperty             : {}

PowerTool has the ability to perform a number of different backups using Backup-Ucs.

The most complete form is full-state. Full state creates a binary file with a snapshot of the entire system. This type of backup can then be used to perform a full system restore to the Fabric Interconnect

PowerTool C:\> Backup-Ucs -Type full-state -PathPattern 'C:\cisco\ucspe-backup.tar.gz'

The second type of backup is config-logical which backs up information like service profiles, VLANs, VSANs, pools, and policies and is saved as an XML.

PowerTool C:\> Backup-Ucs -Type config-logical -PathPattern 'c:\cisco\ucspe-config-logical.xml'

The third is config-system. This includes all system configuration settings such as usernames, roles, and locales. This is also in XML format.

PowerTool C:\> Backup-Ucs -Type config-system -PathPattern 'c:\cisco\ucspe-config-all.xml'

The last is config-all. This is a combination of config-logical and config-system and once again saved as an XML.

PowerTool C:\> Backup-Ucs -Type config-all -PathPattern 'c:\cisco\ucspe-config-all.xml'

None of the XML backups are suitable for full system restores and do not contain passwords of accounts.

Finally, XML backups can be imported back in with Import-UcsBackup.

PowerTool C:\> Import-UcsBackup -LiteralPath 'C:\cisco\ucspe-config-all.xml' -Merge

This brings us to the end of the primer on UCS PowerTool cmdlets. Everything that we covered above was just a very small taste of what’s possible with Cisco UCS PowerTool. As mentioned in the beginning the intention was to get you thinking about what’s possible. There’s a wealth of information that can be retrieved from UCS with PowerTool. It’s not really a question of what I can retrieve but how I can retrieve it.

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