• HaveIBeenPwned PowerShell Module
    If you haven’t heard of Have I Been Pwned, firstly what are you doing?  It’s a site created by fellow Aussie Troy Hunt.  Troy aggregates data breaches as they become public into a searchable database. One of the primary goals of Have I Been Pwned is to raise security awareness around data breaches to the public. As a bit of a learning exercise to myself, I created a PowerShell Module that leverages the haveibeenpwned.com APIs.  The module contains five Functions, Get-PwnedAccount, Get-PwnedBreach, Get-PwnedDataClass, Get-PwnedPassword, and Get-PwnedPasteAccount. I like to think of the HaveIBeenPwned PowerShell Module…
  • HaveIBeenPwned PowerShell Module Updates
    Back in 2017 I wrote a post on a PowerShell module I created that consumes Troy Hunt’s Have I Been Pwned API service. I won’t go into too much detail about the service here. Plenty of people already have and since that time HaveIBeenPwned has exploded in popularity and most of us know what it is. In that post I briefly discussed what the module does how you can begin to use some of the core functions in it. Since that time Troy has made a few changes to the API service,…
  • Have I Been Pwned PowerShell Module v3
    Over the last few years I’ve written I few posts on a PowerShell module I created that allows users to directly talk to the Have I Been Pwned API service (https://haveibeenpwned.com) that Troy Hunt maintains. While those posts are a little old now, they are still a good read on what this PowerShell Module is about. I encourage you to read them if you are interested (links at the bottom). A few months back Troy made a big change to the way his API service works by requiring authorisation in the form…